Believe it or not, its winter and skimo racing is starting, so dust off the boots, do some intervals in the next few days, and let’s get to it!
Our first race is this Tuesday 12/7 at Brighton. We have just enough snow on the upper mountain to race there, so the start is at the bottom of the Snake Creek lift part way up the mountain. We will have some flagging leading you to the start. The start, since its not in the parking lot, will take 10 to 15 minutes to skin to and the race starts at 7PM SHARP! Plan accordingly and get there by 6:40 so you can check in at the bottom and get to the start line. Since we have such a growing enthusiasm for skimo racing, we will not mass start but split the start by a few minutes to spread people out. There will not be wave sign ups like we had last year, just come on up.
Please make sure you sign BOTH your Brighton and Utah skimo waivers before coming up so you don’t have to do it in the cold. Plus sign up and become a member for the season and support your favorite race series!
The race will be about 1hr total with some skinning through the woods up the Thor run and then descending back down Sunshine run. We will do 2 laps for a Rec division and 3 laps for a race division (conditions dependent). Please make sure you bring the only mandatory gear which is a helmet and headlamp. There are no lights so you will be skinning and skiing in the dark.
As always, we will be holding the best raffle in the country. You will get a raffle ticket as you are checking in at the bottom. We are also doing a food drive. Every can of food you bring gets an extra raffle ticket. Please bring food you would eat not what’s been in the cupboard for 2 years! Raffles will be drawn while the race is going on, as you finish and head down to the bottom, check the tent to see if you won anything!
And remember to have fun!