What’s up, Everyone!?
This is a friendly reminder that CAMP USA and Utah SkiMo have one more event this season, a vertical race at PCMR up Homerun on 03/08 at 7pm! Black Diamond Equipment will be there to demo their 500 Lumen Sprinter headlamp, helmets, and maybe even skis – details to follow.
Also, you’ve been attending the Tuesday nights all winter long, now put that fitness and skinning finesse to the test and sign up for the Wasatch Powderkeg SkiMountaineering Race on 03/19-20!. You can register here. There will also be a FREE SHUTTLE so you don’t have to worry about paid parking at Solitude or fighting for a parking spot at Brighton. Details can be found here.
See y’all next week!
The Utah SkiMo Crew