Tuesday night is coming so its time to go run around in the dark again! This week is a points based circuit. There is a small loop, which is easier but worth fewer points and a big loop worth more points. The bigger loop will be longer and have off-piste skiing. This is a choose-your-own-adventure, which means pick up as many points as you can in hour by doing whatever loops you want. Start and finish will be at the bottom of the Great Western chair. Start time is promptly at 7pm.
A couple of reminders:
- Helmet and Headlamp are mandatory.
- Sign both the waiver for Brighton and the Utah Skimo waivers for either adults or kids before you come up for faster check-in.
- If you have not bought a membership do it now and support the series and Utah Skimo! You can even pay for the one night online and not worry about bringing cash.
- Please park at Milli chalet and walk over to GW chair for the start.
This week we will be going inside at Alpine Rose for a raffle and food. Brighton is hosting us for free so show your gratitude by coming up to the Rose and buying some food and beverages. We have some great raffle prizes from our sponsors. You do not want to miss this!