End of Season Recap

Wow. What a season. The Utah SkiMo season ended two weeks ago with the final race of the Ski the Beav series up in Logan. We had races canceled for lack of snow (Skin the Turkey Race) and too much snow (Logan race due to unsafe driving conditions). We raced in all conditions- powder, sun, cold, wind and lightning- and no matter the conditions you came and crushed! And for that we thank you (and, quite frankly are proud and impressed!).

Across the pond the United States competed in the bi-annual ISMF World Championships and the team finished in 6th place- the highest for the US Team! Tom Goth was the lone Wasatch athlete. The next world’s is only 2 years away-time to start training!

For those still motivated and not lured away from skiing by flip flops, biking and climbing, the US race season has two more events on the calendar- Cody’s Challenge at Steamboat on April 1st and the Father Dwyer Postal Route in Leadville on April 8th


We couldn’t do it without you or our sponsors– Voile, Skimo.co, The Sport Loft, Gnarly Nutrition, Dynafit, Julbo, Clif Bar La Sportiva and Black Diamond. So thank you and remember to thank our sponsors for their support by supporting them!

Youth Program Update
At this years Wasatch PowderKeg, participants noticed an obvious drop in the average racer age. This noticeable youthful energy was a result dedicated youth racers, parents, coaches and Utah Skimo. 
Early in the waning months of fall, Sarah Cookler, Nina Silitch, Pete Stoughton and Chad Brackelsberg and a dream of forming a Utah Youth Skimo League. With some behind the scenes planning, and determined coaches, two teams formed. Silver fork Skimo, under the direction of Sarah Cookler, and Park City Skimo, coached by Nina Silitch, formed. The youth trained at the respective locations and occasionally gathered atTuesday Night Races at Brighton. 
Through the guidance of the Youth League Director, Pete Stoughton, the race series consisted of three races. In order for students to be eligible for the state championship they must have raced in the Crowbar, PowderKeg Vert and PowderKeg race. 
In total, the first year was a success. We had 15 student participants ranging in age from 9-16. Not only was the year a blast, but is a great building block to developing Utah Skimo. 
We are excited to see the sport grow and hope to see many of these young men and women represent the US in 2022.